St. Basil the Great, one of the Three Hierarchs of the Orthodox Church, left a legacy for the ages. His unending generosity established history’s first orphanage, homes for the elderly, and the first Christian hospital.
Today, we continue his tradition with the St. Basil Society: an honorary society for those who leave a legacy to IOCC through a will or living trust, a charitable gift annuity, or a retirement plan or life insurance policy.
Your gift ensures that your legacy of Christian caring will continue beyond your lifetime, helping others all over the world.
Once you have provided for your loved ones, know that whatever you designate to IOCC will bring hope to hundreds of people, along with a chance for them to have healthier, happier lives.
Please pray about this decision. And know there are many ways to remember IOCC in your estate plans—all of which help people in need through charitable humanitarian acts.
Whether you use cash or other assets, such as real estate, securities or a life insurance policy, the benefits of charitable planning through IOCC can make this type of giving beneficial for you as well as those served through IOCC’s humanitarian programs.

IOCC’s Executive Director & CEO explains why the St. Basil Society and its members are central to the future of IOCC and its mission.

St. Basil Society members are leaving a legacy for generations and making the world a better place.

No matter how you may choose to give, your care and concern could help people at home and abroad for many years to come.

Information and tools to help you continue your legacy of caring and compassion.

St. Basil Society members ensure that their legacy of Christian caring will continue beyond their lifetime, helping others all over the world.
Want more information about charitable planning? Please fill out the form below and IOCC’s Director of Development and Communications will be in touch.